Today I decided to get my PST back out and try out using the Histogram function while viewing the Sun using my MallinCam AGc (color) video astronomy camera. Since we were camping, it also gave me a good chance to try out solar observing from inside the camper using Remote Video Astronomy. I did have to put forth the effort outside in the summer heat to get set up, but then it was really nice observing and trying out different Histogram settings while inside where it is cool and comfortable and easy to see the screen.
Description of the setup process
I set up my SkyProdigy mount with the PST on it next to the camper, performed a solar system align with the Sun using a Coronado eyepiece to visually center the Sun for the alignment and adjust the telescope focus. After I switched to Solar tracking, I added a Coronado Barlow to see more detail. Now I was ready to change over to video observing.
I removed the Coronado eyepiece and inserted the AGc camera, attached its USB cable and connected it to my laptop on a table next to the telescope. After turning on the laptop and starting MALLINCAMSKY, I selected the AGc camera and set the exposure to 20 ms with a gain of 1. The next step was the hardest one – focusing with the camera in place while outside in the bright sun! I have found placing a dark shirt over your head and laptop screen while adjusting the focus works really well.
Once focused, I disconnected the laptop and moved it inside. I ran an active USB extension cable from the camera to inside the camper through a port I added to the camper (see my 8/5/2015 blog). I placed my SkyFi module on the tripod tray, connected it to the serial port of the hand controller and turned the SkyFi module on (see Remote Telescope Control section in my 4/24/16 blog). Here is my outside setup.
I was then ready to view the Sun from inside and remotely control the telescope using SkySafari on my iPhone. I began with the exposure set to 20 ms and the Histogram (blue arrow below) at its full default values (0 & 250).
Based on these results, I definitely concluded that the real time Histogram function is very beneficial to observing the Sun with Video Astronomy!